people from Naples talk about something happened
long time ago or about something which has a a
remote origin, they use a series of exemplyfing
The phrase 'O cippo a Forcella (The stump in Forcella)
reminds the monument that was near Forcella quarter,
in the Sellaria square. This monument reminds
of a sad story because here in 1647 many partecipants
to Masaniello riot were beheaded.
When speaking you say: 'O mare a Muntecalvario
(The sea in Montecalvario) you are talking about
the time when the sea flowed the Montecalvario
'O pèr ''e làttero a Furìa
means The palm tree in Forìa; you talk
about the time when the high palm-tree was planted
in the Cavour square gardens.
'E ppedamente 'e Somma is referred to the lava
base on which Somma mountain rose.
'O catafarc' ô Pennino concerns the altar
made in the past in the Pendino quarter on the
occasion of the Corpus Domini procession .